A Boy Who Was Waiting for His Mom in front of A Market

Aiq Edogawa
3 min readJun 15, 2024


On Sunday morning, there was a boy waiting for his mom in front of a market. When his mom didn’t show up, he cried. But crying didn’t solve anything, did it? The boy then thought about how to find his mom. He found an idea!

He started walking around, trying to find something which could help him finding his mom. He saw a pride of carrots just laid down on the floor, but behind them was a white dirty megaphone facing the boy, appeared like being destined to help him. Without any thinking, he took the megaphone then started yelling through it, “HI MOM THIS IS ME YOUR SON, MEET ME IN FRONT OF THE MARKET!”.

On the other side of the market, his mother was in a heated negotiation with a durian seller. The seller refused to lower the price, so she said, “Oh, I’ll go then,” and walked away with sass. The durian seller didn’t react, so she came back and said, “Hey! Why didn’t you chase after me, huh?”

Realizing that there was no progress about what he did previously, the boy thought even harder. He didn’t want to die by boredom, waiting for his mom any longer. He then approached the megaphone again, shouting, “MOM I KNOW THE FISH SELLER HAVING 50% DISCOUNT. HURRY UP!”. In a rush of ‘emak-emak’, his mother appeared with lots of bags and a face of terror. “TELL ME WHERE the discount is!!!”

The boy astonished for a second, seeing his mom ran to him like a blast of the thunder. He then suddenly woke himself up from the gape he was in, but it was just too late. He lost his mom, again.

One of the sellers there just found the boy standing alone with perplexity. He was asked and told the seller about what happened. By modifying the idea of the boy, the seller man who wanted to help the boy shouted, “Free kangkung to whoever finds this kid’s mom!”

Instantly, the market became crowded, other traders even joined shouting, “I’ll give you 50% discount too!”. The market turned into chaos. The shoppers and everybody in the market were rushing to find the mom’s kid in every corners.

Yet, the mom asked herself in shock, “O my God! Where’s my kid?” She got panicked because she went home, left the kid alone.

A moment after she got panicked, the boy appeared in front of the house with the kangkung seller. He didn’t know what to do after the rest of people in the market had searched for his mom but found nothing. The boy then asked the kangkung seller to take him to his home. There, finally he met his mother. “O my poor kid, I am sorry I left you alone there. It’s my very first being a mother, and I didn’t even treat you well.”

The boy just hugged his mother saying, “It’s okay mom. It’s my first time being a kid too, and I don’t know what to do. So now, let’s learn together.”

— — — — — — — — — — — — THE END — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Disclaimer: this story has been made by RUBIGems while we do our fun-talk on English Space served by MinBi on discord. It’ll be such kind of a waste if I don’t immortalize them into the whole pack of writing. So, here they are!

Thanks a bunch, @rubicommunity!

